First stop…Florence

One of the main goals in life is to be able to travel the world as much as I can!! I love to travel and I have learned so much about myself every time I get tot travel somewhere new…sounds cliche..but its so true!! My family has always been big travelers and we usually travel together…but the most fascinating place I have been to so far, is Italy!! I got this amazing opportunity to do so through my University’s study abroad program!!

The term “study abroad” was always so fascinating to me because just the thought of not only traveling to a different country…but getting to go and actually learn about the place is so neat to me!! I have always been told to take every opportunity you can, and this opportunity was in front of me and so I was ready!!

I stayed in Italy for a month and in this month, I learned all the history and amazing things Italy is about!! Our “homeground” (where our apartment was for the month) was in Florence, and so I got to fall in love with the city of Florence real quick (and it was the only place I didn’t get lost at since I basically lived their for a month)!! The culture is so different there and all of the architectures are just amazing! The food…aka the gelato… is something I can say I miss the most 🙂

Every morning, we would wake up and go on tours of either a famous monument, museum, or a church..we would learn about the history of whatever was our tour for the day and then we had free time starting at noon and the rest of the day!! Just about every other day we would take “day trips” to a city that was outside of Florence…like Orvietio or Cinque Terre (these are just two of the other places we went)…and this was fun because we got to visit a lot of other cities in Italy without having to carry around the luggage every other day…this was a big deal since you had to walk everywhere…!!

I learned so much about the history of Florence and how their buildings and churches were made..its unreal…but I wouldn’t trade the experience or the friendships I made for anything!! If you have every considered studying abroad…I recommend you just do it!!

Safe Travels ~ Zoey

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