about me

Have you ever wanted to travel but don’t have the money or the opportunity hasn’t come up yet?? That was me too, especially being in school and trying to figure out life, school, money, and everything that comes along with all of that.

I have always loved to travel wether it was somewhere that was only an hour away or in a completely different state…so of course I have dreamed of going out of the country!! Well…it just so happened that I took the opportunity that was in front of me and I am so glad I did!!

Hi!! My name is Zoey Rofkahr and I got the opportunity to travel abroad this past summer with my University and if I must say…it was the best decision I have made! Around the fall time last year….I had a friend that was bragging on the University’s trips abroad…and so I dug a little deeper and found out more information and I was sold!!!

I have realized after planning, budgeting, and getting back from the trip that take all of the opportunities you can to travel (or do something that you enjoy, or wouldn’t think you would ever do) because you find out a lot about yourself and the world and you make you memories while doing it!!

I will be telling my study abroad story in Italy and all of the places I got to see! Also the perks to studying abroad and why I hose this route rather than traveling on my own!